I've been reading and writing a good bit lately. Writing a short story and rolling ideas around in my hands, seeing what they feel like. But, I do not want to neglect this more lucid, revelatory outlet of expression, my blog.
Two things:
1. I am at a coffeeshop after having a long run in the park with a new friend. Earlier, as I neared the entrance to the coffee establishment I crossed the path of two, we'll say, urban gentlemen. They had the dark baggy clothing that looks to me like a toddler playing dress-up in his big brother's closet. They had pristinely groomed patches of hair on their chins and shiny stones in their ears. And one of them was carrying an iPod dock complete with iPod, completely turned on and completely playing some illin' beats matching the rhythm of their swagger. What is this, the early 90's? It's socially strange to have music playing to your walk, like you're in some Chris Tucker movie and everything's cool because your ego's being bolstered by you thinking people are watching how awesome you look.
**Note: Overheard a table conversation. You only need to know what one of them was saying. "Oh so are you a nurse? Are you in nursing school? Oh, you're a doctor!" Nice work.
2. I have pleasantly, officially discovered the subgenre/subculture/style called "steampunk". If you've been into steampunk forever and think it's crazy I only just found out about this, hold on a minute. I've been reading books, watching movies and enjoying things that could be called steampunk for, well, my whole life. I only just discovered there was a specific name for it. And now that I can focally identify and define this sublimely intriguing world of art, fashion and literature, I just can't stop going, "Ooo, that's steampunk," in my mind to things that fall into this subcategory. Like I said, lots of books and entertainment I've enjoyed can be acurately called steampunk. The first one that came to mind was Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass and the His Dark Materials trilogy. Then, and I know it doesn't fully qualify, but I thought of the movie Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome with Mel Gibson. I love this post-apocalypse creation not only for the story itself, but for its interesting blending of past and future aesthetics.
And now I can buy that knee-length tight leather vest I've been eyeing for years at the local Renaissance festival and not feel like I'd look like a renny (new term for you? Look it up) when I wear it. It's definitely something Lyra would have worn on the way to find Lord Asriel in the North.
That's all for now....Now, go have an adventure sometime in the coming week! Even a small one, like taking a walk to a new neighborhood, or going to work a different way than the day before. Those things help life seem a little more interesting, and they are good for happiness too.
6 years ago