Woke up this morning, went to the toilet with the song "Indian Outlaw" playing in my head for some reason. It's this Tim McGraw country song from like 1994, and I haven't heard it in years, let alone ever cared to hear it anyway. I suppose I know the tune by default because the side of my family I grew up around is a bunch of southern mountain folk, with a few hicks and a couple rednecks (there is a difference). This is not a bit of fact I am neither proud or ashamed of. It's where I come from. So, back to the song. As I was washing my face and brushing my face and humming "...half Cherokee and Choctaw...", I recalled that there was some controversy over "Indian Outlaw" within the American Indian tribes in the US. Being descendant more than one Cherokee ancestor, I kind of felt guilty for having looping in my head.
So I looked it up when I got to work and found that the controversy was over the stereotypical language about American Indians used in the song. I read the lyrics and yeah, they're dumb.
I'd like to know what percentage of Cherokee heritage I have. I guess it doesn't really matter, I'm just curious. I've been on a good many Native American websites and forums for different purposes, and the general consensus I've noticed is one of exclusivity, that if you're not full-blooded and part of a tribe those who are think you're sort of silly for trying to figure out your Indian roots. I know I've got to be less than half Cherokee, but it'd be nice to be able to place myself genes-wise. I'm dark-haired, dark-eyed and yellowish-tanned, with a round face and high prominent cheekbones. Kids in school used to always ask if I was Chinese/Hispanic/Italian/whatever else. In college it was sort of a joke and my friends just started calling me "ethnic". I know my looks come from my Indian genes, I just wish they were closer to my generation so I could claim them more easily.
So here's to being American, Southern Appalachian, a hodge-podge of Irish, Scottish, Cherokee and who knows what else.
Now, let's think about what's been good about today so far:
1. I didn't get any speeding tickets today. I was soo cautious on my way to work this morning. In fact, they should have pulled me over and given me a pardon for yesterday's offense for such defensive and apologetic driving.
2. My boss is out sick. Hence why I am blogging so early in the day. I may be getting too comfortable though, because I'm on my second cup of tea for the day and I still feel like I haven't quite woken up yet.
3. A lovely new writer I'm currenty enjoying. Her name is Theodora Goss and she writes these strange fantastical short stories. I'm reading her collection entitled In the Forest of Forgetting. I will definitely be writing more about her in a later post. For now I'm getting to know her stories better.
I wish work was like class and you didn't have to call in if you wanted to skip. I just want to go outside and play.
Actually I'd like to be making my way into this enchanted forest:

Yes, I think I'd much rather do that. Maybe I can find the Elves and they can tell me my heritage. Maybe Theodora Goss lives there somewhere.
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